In July 2012 a research paper entitled "Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of ankle sprains: an evidence-based clinical guideline, by Gino M. Kerkhoffs, Michel van den Bekerom, Leon A. M. Elders, et al." was published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.
An update of this study has just recently been published. The most important results in this update include the following.
- As well as the use of ice and compression in combination with rest and elevation, exercise therapy is an important aspect of treatment of ankle injuries in the acute phase.
- Exercise therapy is also recommended for the prevention of recurrent lateral ankle ligament injuries.
- The research in 2012 revealed that early intervention should be combined with exercise therapy. The use of a brace had already been recommended in this study. The update reveals that using an ankle brace results in better outcome compared with other types of functional treatment such as non-elastic sports tape and kinesiotape (elastic). The study showed that it was unlikely that kinesiotape provides sufficient mechanical support in unstable ankles.
- To speed up return to work: a brace and immediate functional treatment combined with a return to work schedule is recommended.
- A semirigid brace is suggested to be the most cost-effective option, in comparison with tape.
The reason for the research in 2012 was that ankle injuries are a very common sports related ailment, with a high risk of recurrence and involving associated costs. Ankle ligament injuries constitute a socio-economic problem due to the great social costs and work absenteeism. The purpose of the research was to make recommendations in the form of a clinical guideline that is aimed at reducing the risk of ankle ligament injuries, through improved diagnostics and expanding therapeutic possibilities. There has been a lack of a systematic, evidence-based guideline for lateral ankle ligament injuries.